UPSC NDA/NA Latest study PDF Notes 2023 Download

UPSC NDA/NA Latest study PDF Notes 2023 Download

NDA Handwritten Notes PDF – Download All Subjects Notes in English. NDA (National Defence Academy ) Notes for English, NDA Reasoning, NDA Biology, NDA Physics, NDA Chemistry, NDA Polity, and NDA Maths. NDA Maths Notes PDF is very useful for your UPSC and all other upcoming competitive exams like SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS, RRB NTPC, LIC AAO, and many others exams.

UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts the NDA examination. It is a national-level entrance test. The UPSC NDA exam is conducted to recruit candidates in the Army, Navy and Air Force. This exam is conducted two times a year, i.e. NDA I and NDA II.

NDA  Means National Defense Academy so today we have brought you the NDA Exam Notes to prepare for the second exam, which will help you a lot in passing the NDA Exam, as well as you can pass the Airforce, Navy, and many more exams by reading these notes. The exam has two stages- a written exam and an SSB interview. In the NDA written exam, there is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for the incorrect answer.

The Exam of NDA is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission twice a year for the selection of candidates for the Indian Armed forces. The written Exam of NDA is conducted in two parts the first part is Mathematics and the second part is GAT (General Ability Test)

Part-I  In this paper you will be given 120 questions of mathematics.

  • Max marks 300.
  • Time duration 2.5hrs
  • The candidate will be given 2.5 marks for each right answer.
  • Negative marking 0.83 for each wrong answer.

Part II In this paper you will be given 50 questions in English and 100 questions from GS.

  • Max mars 600.
  • Time duration 2.5hrs
  • The candidate will be given 4 marks on each right answer.
  • Negative marking 1.33 for each wrong answer


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>Total Marks 300 Marks
>Total No. of Questions 120
>Marks awarded for Correct answer 2.5 marks
>Marks deducted for wrong answer -0.85
>Exam Duration 2.5 Hours

>Total Marks 600 marks
>Total No. of Questions 150
>No. of questions in English Section 50
>No. Of questions in General knowledge Section 100
>Maximum Marks for English 200 marks
>Maximum Marks for G.K. 400 marks
>Marks for Correct Answer 4 marks in both sections
>Marks for Incorrect Answer -1.33 marks in both sections
>Exam Duration 2.5 Hours

>Matrices and Determinants
>Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions
>Differential Calculus
>Integral Calculus and Differential Equations

>Calculus 20-25
>Quadratic equation 20-15
>Matrices & Determinants 30
>Probability 10
>Trigonometry 30
>Complex number 10-15

>Paper 2 General Ability Test judges a candidate’s basic awareness and English proficiency.
>This section is further divided into two parts-
>English and General Knowledge.
>Total marks awarded to Paper 2 are 600.
>This paper must be completed in 2.5 hours.

Negative Marking:
0.33 % marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Subjects Maximum Marks Duration
Mathematics 300 2 ½ hours
GAT (Section 1- English) 200 2 ½ hours
GAT (Section 2- General Knowledge) 400
Total Marks 900
SSB Interview 900
Grand Total 1800

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Maths Notes CLICK HERE
English Notes CLICK HERE
Reasoning Notes CLICK HERE
Indian Polity Notes CLICK HERE
General Knowledge CLICK HERE
General Science Notes

NDA Syllabus- The topic-wise question distribution in NDA Exam for Mathematics

Name of Topics of NDA Mathematics Questions
Calculus 20-25
Quadratic equation 20-15
Matrices & Determinants 30
Probability 10
Trigonometry 30
Complex number 10-15

NDA Syllabus-Name of Topics of NDA English

Topic No. of Questions
Spotting Errors 5
Comprehension 6
Selecting Words 10
Ordering of Words in a Sentence 9
Sentence Improvement 10
Antonyms 5
Synonyms 5
Total 50

NDA Syllabus- Name of Topics of NDA- General Knowledge

Topic No. of Questions
Physics 23
Chemistry 16
General Science 11
History & Freedom Movement 16
Geography 17
Current Events 17
Total 100

NDA Syllabus- Name of Topics of NDA- Physics

NDA Syllabus For Physics
Physical Properties and States of Matter, Modes of transference of Heat, Mass, Weight, Volume, Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments, Rectilinear propagation of Light, Density and Specific Gravity, Reflection and refraction, Principle of Archimedes, Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Pressure Barometer, Human Eye, Motion of objects, Natural and Artificial Magnets, Velocity and Acceleration, Properties of a Magnet, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Earth as a Magnet, Force and Momentum, Static and Current Electricity, Parallelogram of Forces, Conductors and Non-conductors, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Ohm’s Law, Gravitation, Simple Electrical Circuits, Elementary ideas of work, Heating, Lighting, and Magnetic effects of Current, Power and Energy, Measurement of Electrical Power, Effects of Heat, Primary and Secondary Cells, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, Use of X-Rays, General Principles in the working of Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightning Conductors, Safety Fuses.

NDA Syllabus- Chemistry

NDA Syllabus For Chemistry
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction., Acids, bases, and salts., Carbon— different forms, Physical and Chemical Changes, Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial, Elements, Materials used in the preparation of substances like Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gunpowder, Mixtures and Compounds, Elementary ideas about the structure of Atom, Symbols, Formulae, and simple Chemical Equation, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems) Valency, Properties of Air and Water

NDA Syllabus- General Science

NDA Syllabus For General Science
Common Epidemics, their causes, and prevention, Difference between the living and non-living, Food—Source of Energy for man, Basis of Life—Cells, Protoplasms, and Tissues, Constituents of food, Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals, Balanced Diet, Elementary knowledge of the Human Body and its important organs, The Solar System—Meteors and Comets, Eclipses. Achievements of Eminent Scientists

NDA Syllabus- History, Freedom Movement

NDA Syllabus For History
Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation, Freedom Movement in IndiaFrench Revolution, Industrial Revolution, and Russian RevolutionWar of American Independence, Impact of Science and Technology on Society, Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration, Concept of one World, Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India, United Nations, Panchsheel,Panchayati Raj, Democracy, Socialism and Communism, Role of India in the present world-operatives and Community Development, Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi

NDA Syllabus- Geography

NDA Syllabus For Geography
The Earth, its shape and size, Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and its composition, Latitudes and Longitudes, Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, Cyclones, and Anticyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation, Concept of time, Types of Climate, International Date Line, Major Natural Regions of the World, Movements of Earth and their effects, Regional Geography of India, Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; Location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities, Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification, Important Sea ports and main sea, land, and air routes of India, Weathering—Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Main items of Imports and Exports of India

Current Events

NDA Syllabus For Current Events
Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in recent years, Prominent personalities of both Indian and International level, Cultural activities and sports activities, Current important world events.

Math More Related PDF

Math Question Answers:-

1. log 10000 का मान है–
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 5 (d) 1 (Ans : a)
संकेत: log 10000 = log10 104=4

2. एक लड़का 12 किमी/घण्टा की औसत गति पर स्कूल पहुँचने के लिए 20 मिनट लेता है। यदि उसे 15 मिनट में स्कूल पहुँचना है, तो औसत गति….. होनी चाहिए।
(a) 14 किमी/घण्टा (b) 15 किमी/घण्टा (c) 16 किमी/घण्टा (d) 18 किमी/घण्टा (Ans : c)
संकेत: स्कूल की दूरी =12×20/60=4 किमी
अब उसकी चाल =दूरी/समय=4/15/60
=16 किमी/घण्टा

3. यदि किसी वर्ग की भुजा दोगुनी कर दी जाए, तो क्षेफल–
(a) दोगुना होता है (b) 4 गुना होता है (c) 8 गुना होता है (d) 16 गुना होता है (Ans : b)
संकेत: प्रश्नानुसार, A1=a2
अत: स्पष्टत: यह चार गुना होगा।

4. 220 का 15%=?
(a) 33 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 26 (Ans : a)
संकेत: 220×15/100=33

5. 8888 + 888 + 88 + 8 = ?
(a) 9784 (b) 9792 (c) 9072 (d) इनमें से कोई नहीं (Ans : d)

6. 450 सेबों में से 30% सड़ें हुए हैं। कितने सेब ठीक हैं?
(a) 135 (b) 140 (c) 125 (d) 315 (Ans : a)
संकेत: सड़े हुए सेबों की संख्या = 450 का 30%
= 450×30/100=135

7. एक तारा पृथ्वी से लगभग 8.1×1013 किमी दूर है। मान लीजिए कि प्रकाश 3.0×105 किमी/सेकण्ड की गति से चलता है। ज्ञात कीजिए कि तारे से प्रकाश को पृथ्वी तक पहुँचने में कितना समय लगता है?
(a) 2.7×108 (b) 2.7×1011 (c) 7.5×104 (d) 7.5×103 (Ans : a)


संकेत: तारे से प्रकार को पृथ्वी एक पहुँचने में लगा समय


= दूरी/चाल = 8.1×1013/3.0×105 = 2.7×108 सेकण्ड

8. एक वस्तु रु. 220 में बेचकर, नीता ने 10% लाभ प्राप्त किया। तद्नुसार वह उसे कितने में बेचे कि लाभ 30% हो जाए?
(a) रु. 220 (b) रु. 230 (c) रु. 260 (d) रु. 280 (Ans : c)
संकेत: वस्तु का क्रय मूल्य =200 × 100/110= रु. 200
30% लाभ कमाने के लिए वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य
=200 का 130% = रु. 260

9. 100 × 10 – 100 + 2000 » 100 किसके बराबर होगा?
(a) 20 (b) 920 (c) 980 (d) 1000 (Ans : b)
संकेत: 100 × 10 – 100 + 2000 » 100
= 1000 – 100 + 20 = 900 + 20 = 920

10. एक व्यक्ति ने अपनी सम्पत्ति का 1/4 भाग अपनी पुत्री को दिया, ½ अपने पुत्रों को दिया और 1/5 दान कर दिया। तद्नुसार, उसने कुल कितना भाग दे दिया?
(a) 1/20 (b) 19/20 (c) 1/10 (d) 9/10 (Ans : b)
संकेत: व्यक्ति द्वारा दिया गया कुल भाग

11. यदि समअष्टभुज का प्रत्येक अन्त:कोण 135° हैं, तो अष्टभुज का बाह्य कोण होगा-
(a) 65° (b) 75° (c) 45° (d) 70° (Ans : c)
संकेत: अष्टभुज का प्रत्येक ब्राह्य कोण 180° – अन्त: कोण
= 180° – 135° = 45°

12. एक विद्यालय में 85 लड़के व 35 लड़कियों ने सार्वजनिक परीक्षा दी। लड़कों का माध्य प्राप्त अंक 40% व लड़कियों का माध्य प्राप्त अंक 60% था, तो विद्यालय का औसत प्राप्त अंक प्रतिशत में बताइए।
(a) 50.60 (b) 54.16 (c) 45.83 (d) 48.53 (Ans : c)
संकेत: विद्यालय का औसत प्राप्तांक प्रतिशत में
= 85×40+35×60/(85+35)
= 3400+2100/120
= 550/12=45.83

13. कोई धनराशि सरल ब्याज पर 20 वर्षों में दोगुनी हो जाती है। कितने वर्ष में वह चार गुनी होगी?
(a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 80 (Ans : c)
संकेत: साधारण ब्याज से 20 वर्ष में यदि कोई राशि दोगुनी होगी, तो 40 वर्ष में तीन गुनी एवं 60 वर्ष में चार गुनी होगी।

14. किसी संख्या का 35% मिलने के लिए उस संख्या को किससे गुणा किया जाना चाहिए?
(a) 7/20 (b) 3.5 (c) √7/20 (d) 5/20 (Ans : c)
संकेत: 35%= 35/100=7/20

15. 4800 का 36%×1320 का 0.2% बराबर है–
(a) 4535.52 (b) 4551.36 (c) 4561.92 (d) 4572.48 (Ans : c)
संकेत: ? = 4800 का 36/100×1320 का 0.2/100
= 1728 × 2.64
= 4561.92


NDA Mathematics Topic NDA Mathematics Study Notes PDF
Algebric Equations Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Equations
Angle Between Two Planes How to Calculate, Calculation of Angle Between Two plane in the Cartesian Plane
Application Of Derivatives Rate of Change of a Quantity, Increasing and Decreasing Functions, Tangent and Normal to a Curve
Area Under Curve How to Determine the Area Under the Curve?
Arithmetic Progression Meaning, Concepts, Exercise
Bayes’ Theorem Meaning, Concepts, Bayes Theorem Proof, Bayes Theorem Formula
Binomial Distribution Binomial Probability Distribution, Formula, Mean & Variance
Binomial Theorems Meaning, Concepts, Binomial Theorem if n is negative or fractional
Cartesian Product Cartesian Product of Sets, Ordered Pairs & Relatinal Algebra
Conditional Probability Marginal, Joint Probability Formula
Continuity and Differentiability Differentiability Formula
Continuity and Discontinuity Discontinuity Definition, Types of Discontinuity
Conic Section Focus, Eccentricity and Directrix of Conic
De Morgan Law Complement of Sets Properties, De Morgan’s Laws Statement and Proof
Definite Integrals Definite Integral as Limit of Sum, Properties of Definite Integrals Proofs
Differential Equations Classification of Differential Equations, Differential Equations – Based on Homogeneity
Differentiation What is Differentiation?, Differentiation Formulas & Derivative of Function as Limits
Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios Direction Cosines
Distance Between Two Points Distance Between Point and Line Derivation, Distance Between Two Parallel Lines
Distance Between Two Points What are the Coordinates of a point?, Distance Between Two Points – Using Pythagoras Theorem
Equation in a Circle Equation of a Circle When the Centre is not an Origin, Equation of a Circle in General Form
Equation in a Line General Equation of a Line, Slope-intercept Form & Intercept Form
Equation in a Plane Equation of a Plane in the Normal and Cartesian Form
Equation of Sphere Meaning, Concepts, Volume of a Sphere Equation, Surface Area of a Sphere Equation
Events in Probability Events in Probability, Occurrence of an Event & Types of Events in Probability
Indefinite Integrals Indefinite Integrals Definition, Indefinite Properties & Indefinite Integral Formulas
Integration Integration – Inverse Process of Differentiation, Integrals in Maths & Integration Formulas
Introduction to Coordinate Geometry Types of coordinates in analytical geometry & Equation of a Line in Cartesian Plane
Inverse Trigonometric Functions Concepts, Inverse Trigonometric Functions Graphs/Table
Limits and Continuity Meaning, Concepts, Types of Discontinuity
Limits and Derivatives Concepts, Derivatives of a Function, Solved Examples
Logarithms Concepts, Types, Rules & Properties
Matrices and Determinants Meaning, Types, Algebra Of Matrix
Maxima and Minima Meaning, Concepts, Various Possibilities of Derivatives of a Function
Methods of Integration Integration by Substitution, Integration By Parts, Integration Using Trigonometric Identities
Multiplication Rule of Probability Multiplication Rule of Probability Statement and proof
Number System Types, Integers, Fraction, Decimal, Divisibility Test
Permutation and Combination Meaning, Concepts, Permutation vs Combination
Probability and Statistics – Introduction Meaning, Terms Used, Formulas
Probability Distribution Concepts, Types, Formulas, Probability Distribution Function
Sets and Venn Diagrams Meaning, Concepts, Diagram, Symbols
Simplification Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Square & Square Roots
Tangents and Normals Tangents and Normals Equations, Solved Examples
Total Probability Theorem Law of Total Probability, Theorem Statement, Theorem Proof
Vector Algebra Operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Vector Algebra Formulas
Vectors Meaning, Types, Magnitude of a Vector, Direction of a vector, Components of a Vector

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NDA English Topic NDA English Study Notes PDFs
Error Spotting Tips, Cut Solved Questions and Sample Questions for Error Spotting
One Word Substitution Categories, Terms, Solved Questions and MCQs on One Word Substitution
Synonyms & Antonyms List and Quiz on Synonyms & Antonyms
Idioms & Phrases List of Important Idioms & Phrases with MCQs
Sentence Correction Rules and Practice Questions on Sentence Corrections
Active and Passive Voice Definition, Types, and Practice Questions on Active & Passive Voice
Direct and Indirect Speech Definition, Rules, and Practice Questions on Direct & Indirect Speech
Sentence Rearrangement Types, Correct Approach, Sample Question with MCQs on Sentence Rearrangement
Reading comprehension Types, How to Tackle, Sample Comprehension with Practice Questions on Reading Comprehension
Para Jumbles Concept, Types, Approach with Practice Questions on Para Jumbles
Cloze Test Tips, Practice Questions with Sample MCQs on Cloze Test
Fill in the Blanks Important Topics, Solved Question and MCQs on Fill in the Blanks
Paragraph Completion Approaches, Tips & Tricks, Sample MCQs for Paragraph Completion
Sentence Connectors Concept, Solved Questions and Practice Questions on Sentence Connectors
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Verb Concept, Rules, with Solved Examples on Verb
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Adjectives Concepts, Rules, with Solved Questions of Adjectives
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Adverbs Definition, Rules, with Examples on Adverbs
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Articles Notions, Types, Rules with Solved Questions on Articles
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Conjunctions Types, Rules, Concepts with Examples on Conjunctions
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Noun Concept, Types, Important Point with Examples on Noun
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Preposition Uses of Preposition, Rules, Solved Question with Practice Questions
Miscellaneous (Grammar) – Pronoun Types and Examples with Practice Questions on Pronoun

GK Notes PDF Download

NDA Chemistry Topics NDA Chemistry Study Material PDFs
Physical and Chemical Changes Definition, Example, Uses of Physical & Chemical Changes
Air and Water (properties) Chemical Composition, Properties of Air & Water
Chemical equations and Laws of Chemical Combination Chemical equations and Laws of Chemical Combination
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
Acids, Bases, and Salts Acids, Bases, and Salts
Properties of Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc. with Oxidation and Reduction Properties of Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc. with Oxidation and Reduction
Carbon and its forms Carbon and its forms
Atom and its structure (details) Atom and its structure (details)
Fertilizers Classification, Types of Fertilizers
NDA Physics Topics NDA Physics Study Materials PDFs
Physical Properties and States of Matter Physical Properties and States of Matter
Modes of transference of Heat, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current Comming Soon
Mass, Weight, Volume, Sound waves and their properties Mass, Weight, Volume, Sound waves and their properties
Simple musical instruments Production of Sound, Sound Waves, Types of Instruments
Rectilinear propagation of Light Rectilinear propagation of Light
Density and Specific Gravity Difference between Density and Specific Gravity
Human Eye Human Eye
Motion of objects, Newton’s Laws of Motion Motion of objectsNewton’s Laws of Motion
Velocity and Acceleration Velocity and Acceleration
Natural and Artificial Magnets, Newton’s Laws of Motion and Gravitation Poles, Magnetic Field, Properties & Types of Magnet
Force and Momentum Force and Momentum
Static and Current Electricity, Power and Energy Static and Current Electricity, Power and Energy
Conductors and Non-conductors Meaning, Applications of Conductors, Examples of Insulators, Difference between Conductors & Insulators
Simple Electrical Circuits Kirchoff’s Law, Electric Cell, Solved Examples
Elementary ideas of work Elementary ideas of work, power and energy
Stability and Equilibrium of bodies and Ohm’s Law Stability and Equilibrium of bodies and Ohm’s Law
Primary and Secondary Cells Meaning of Primary and Secondary Cells, Difference between Primary and Secondary Cells
Use of X-Rays Electromagnetic Spectrum: X-rays, Property, Type, Uses of X-rays
General Principles in the working of Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightning Conductors, Safety Fuses Simple Pulley, Types of Pulleys
NDA History Topics NDA History Study Notes PDFs
Indian History: Culture and Civilisation Indian History: Culture and Civilisation
Constitution and Administration of India Constitution and Administration of India
Nationalism in India Khilafat and Non-Cooperation, Satyagraha, The Rawlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Civil Disobedience Movement
Five Year plans of India Five Year plans of India
Renaissance and Discovery Introduction, Renaissance in Italy, Revival of Classical Literature, Renaissance Literature, Art & Sculpture
French, Russian, and Industrial Revolution Causes, Stages, Significance of French Revolution, Russian & Industrial Revolution
United Nations and the Concept of one world History & Components of United Nations
Democracy in India Introduction, Philosophical basis & Idea of Democracy
NDA Polity Topic NDA Polity Study Notes PDFs
Important Articles of the Constitution Important Articles of the Constitution
Features of Constitution Features of Constitution
Making of Indian Constitution Making of Indian Constitution
The Indian Constitution – Preamble The Indian Constitution – Preamble
Indian Constitution- Union and its Territories Indian Constitution- Union and its Territories
Fundamental Rights & Duties Fundamental Rights & Duties
Directive Principles & State Policies (DPSP) Directive Principles & State Policies (DPSP)
Indian Constitution: President of India Indian Constitution: President of India
Indian Constitution: Vice President of India Indian Constitution: Vice President of India
Indian Constitution: Parliament Indian Constitution: Parliament
Judiciary System of India Judiciary System of India
Constitutional Bodies Constitutional Bodies
Non-Constitutional Bodies Non-Constitutional Bodies
Important Notes on Lok Sabha Important Notes on Lok Sabha
Indian Constitution: Chief Minister & Council of Ministers Details about Chief Ministers; Organization & Composition of State Legislature
Indian Constitution: Governor Indian Constitution: Governor
NDA Economy Topics NDA Economy Study Notes PDFs
Five Year Plans of India Five Year plans of India
Union Budget of India Union Budget, Revenue Receipts, Budget Terms & Definitions
Highlights of Union Budget – 2020-21 Coming Soon
Economic Survey: Important Points Key Highlights of Economic Survey 2020-21
NDA Static GK Topics NDA Static GK Study Notes PDF
Static GK: Firsts in India Static GK: Firsts in India
Static GK: Largest, Smallest, Tallest, Highest in India Static GK: Largest, Smallest, Tallest, Highest in India
International Organisations Notes International Organisations Notes
List of Important Days & Dates List of Important Days & Dates
List of Important Days & Dates List of Important Days & Dates will update many more new pdf and study materials and exam updates, keep Visiting and share our post, So more people will get this.

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