Preposition English Handwritten Notes PDF Download

Preposition English Handwritten Notes PDF Download

Hello Students, 

Study Notes on Preposition: Types, Rules, Usage, and Examples are provided in this English Grammar Handwritten Notes PDF Download post. English Language section is one of the most important sections and is part of almost every Government Examination be it SSC, Bank, Railway, or any other exam. English is an important part not just of our professional but also of our indigenous life. Due to various reasons, a large number of aspirants are afraid of this mandatory subject when the truth is, it is just a subject with few grammar rules and a collection of vocabulary. In this English Grammar (Preposition) Notes PDF 2022 article, we’ll cover all the important rules, types, and different aspects of an integral part of English grammar i.e Prepositions.!

English prepositions explained PDF के अलाबा अन्य सभी बिषयों की PDF से संबंधित पोस्ट भी हमारी इस बेबसाइट पर बहुत ही जल्द आयेंगी , तो आप इस बेबसाइट को Regularlly Visit करते रहिये ! कृपया कमेन्ट के माध्यम से जरूर बतायें कि आपको कौन से बिषय पर PDF चाहिये !

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What is Preposition in Hindi – जो शब्द sentence में किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले प्रयोग होकर उस Noun या Pronoun का सम्बन्ध sentence के दुसरे words के साथ बतलाता है, उसे Preposition कहा जाता है.

इन वाक्यों को देखिए –

  1. We are going to market.
  2. You are writing with a pen.
  3. There are books on the table.
  4. What are you looking at?

Concept : इन वाक्यों में प्रयोग किए गए शब्द to, with, on, at यह सब preposition है| पहले sentence में आप देख सकते है की we (Pronoun) का सम्बन्ध market (Noun) से है इसलिए यहाँ sentence में to (preposition) का प्रयोग किया गया है|

Note – Preposition का प्रयोग प्रायः Noun या Pronoun के पहले किया जाता है, लेकिन कुछ परिस्थिति में Preposition का प्रयोग sentence या clause के अंत मे भी किया जा सकता है| Example –

  1. What are you looking at?
  2. Who are you thinking of?
  3. This is the boy who I was referring to.
  4. I need something to write with.
  5. What was it about?


  1. In – में
  2. Into – में
  3. With – के साथ
  4. To – की ओर
  5. At – में, पर
  6. On – पर
  7. Without – के बिना
  8. Of – का, के, की
  9. Among – के बिच
  10. Between – के बिच
  11. Under – निचे
  12. Over – के ऊपर
  13. Below – के निचे
  14. Near – के पास
  15. After – के बाद
  16. Before – के पहले
  17. For – के लिए
  18. Up – ऊपर
  19. Since – से
  20. From – से
  21. By – की द्वारा
  22. Behind – के पीछे
  23. Towards – की तरफ
  24. About – के बारे में


Function (कार्य) के आधार Preposition को निम्नलिखित भागो में बांटा जा सकता है –

  1. Preposition of Time – in, on, for, since, at, from, between, during, after, before, by, within, till, until, from etc.
  2. Prepositions of Position / Place – between, among, amid, amidst, in, at, on, beside, by, under, behind, over, above, below, in front of etc.
  3. Prepositions of Direction – along, across, against, up, down, to, towards, for, from, at, on etc.
  4. Other Prepositions – without, with, by, off, of, around, about, besides, except etc.

Prepositions form related Questions 

DIRECTIONS: Find in the blanks with correct Prepositions.

Q1. Life is not a bed —- roses.
A. with
B. of
C. for
D. off



Q2. My grandfather will come here —– a week.

A. with

B. before

C. at

D. within



Q3. The work was completed —– sunset.
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. about



Q4. Can you write —– this pen.
A. by
B. in
C. with
D. on



Q5. We are pleased —– your visit.
A. with
B. at
C. by
D. on



Q6. I shall meet you —– 6 o’clock.
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. during



Q7. My father will retire from service —– a year.
A. of
B. on
C. in
D. by



Q8. Suganya writes —– her left hand.

A. on

B. with

C. in

D. by



Q9. He comes —– a car.
A. at
B. by
C. with
D. on



Q10. Most of us eat —– a spoon.
A. with
B. in
C. for
D. by


Q11. Suriya is short —— Vidhya.
A. by
B. near
C. beside
D. besides



Q12. My wife works —– the town hall.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. by



Q13. He was learning —– a lamb post.
A. for
B. by
C. against
D. before



Q14. I am interested —– reading novels.
A. by
B. in
C. on
D. at



Q15. Don’t point —– my mistakes.
A. in
B. at
C. out
D. for



Q16. Kanmani longs —– my friendship.
A. for
B. from
C. by
D. of



Q17. She is good —– English.
A. in
B. about
C. at
D. for




Q18. I will think —– the matter.

A. for

B. on

C. at

D. about



Q19. Can I count —– your help.
A. with
B. in
C. on
D. for



Q20. I came to live here —– 1992.
A. in
B. at
C. by
D. on


Prepositions form related Questions and Answers

DIRECTIONS: Find in the blanks with correct Prepositions.

Q21. What are you looking —–
A. on
B. against
C. for
D. in



Q22. Who are you talking —–

A. to

B. too

C. by

D. over



Q23. I am angry —– my sister.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. with



Q24. Can you agree —– my proposal.
A. to
B. too
C. with
D. into



Q.26 I / am going / to theatre / now.
A. i
B. am going
C. to theatre
D. now

Ans .   C


DIRECTIONS: Select the proper suffix.. 

Q.27 Beauty
A. fy
B. fi
C. ice
D. ic

Ans .   A


Q.28 King
A. en
B. er
C. hood
D. dom

Error related Questions

Q.29 Girls usually / are taking / more time / for dressings.
A. girls usually
B. is taking
C. more time
D. for dressings

Ans .   B
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