General English Grammar 2023 PDF Download

General English Grammar 2023 PDF Download


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Today we are sharing important notes in Free English Grammar Book PDF Download. This English Grammar Book PDF 2023 Download PDF is helpful for all competitive exams like SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS,  RRB NTPC, LIC AAO, and many others exams. Master English Grammar PDF Download 2022-2023 is very important for any competitive exam and this Free English Grammar Book PDF Download is very useful for it.

General English for Competitive Exams PDF Download will be very helpful for your examination. all previous year’s questions are available in this English Grammar Notes PDF For Competitive Exams PDF. is an online Educational Platform, where you can download free PDF for UPSC, SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS,  RRB NTPC, LIC AAO, and many other exams. SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS,  RRB NTPC, LIC AAO English For Competitive Examination by disha


This Free English Grammar Book PDF Download PDF is cover all basic topics for your all upcoming competitive exam like SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS,  RRB NTPC, LIC AAO English For Competitive Examination his pdf is available for all basic concepts.


  1. Synonyms
  2. Homonyms
  3. Spotting the Errors
  4. Cloze Test/Cloze Passage
  5. Miscellaneous Exercises (Correct the Sentences)
  6. Heteronyms
  7. Palindromes
  8. Paronyms
  9. Pangrams
  10. Phrase Substitution or Sentence Improvement
  11. Unusual Word Forms
  12. Foreign Words
  13. Group Terms
  14. Choosing Appropriate Words
  15. Some Peculiar Expressions
  16. Animals, Males, Females, Youngs and Group Terms
  17. Collective Names of Animals
  18. Young Ones of Animals
  19. Words Used as Different Parts of Speech
  20. Words Used in the Constitution
  21. Paragraph Writing
  22. Letter Writing
  23. Precis Writing
  24. Report Writing

English Grammar More PDF Download

English Grammar Question:-

Q1: To turn over a new leaf                       [Railways, 1995]

A) To change completely one’s course of action.

B) To shift attention to new problems after having studied the old ones thoroughly.

C) To cover up one’s fault by wearing new marks.

D) To change the old habits and adopt new ones.


Q2: A fair crack of the whip

A) Severe punishment

B) A good luck check

C) A period of importance

D) Failure of administration


Q3: To talk one’s head off

A) To talk loudly

B) Talk in whispers

C) To talk to oneself

D) Talk excessively


Q4: To wrangle over an ass’s shadow               [SBI PO 1984]

A) Act in a foolish way

B) To quarrel over trifles

C) Waste time on petty things

D) To do something funny.


Q5: To take with a grain of salt

A) Take with some reservation

B) To take with total disbelief

C) Take wholeheartedly

D) To take seriously.


Q6: Hobson’s choice              [Railways, 1991]

A) Feeling of insecurity

B) Accept or leave the offer

C) Feeling of strength

D) Excellent choice


Q7: To take the bull by the horns               [Railways, 1995]

A) To punish a person severely for his arrogance.

B) To grapple courageously with a difficulty that lies in our way.

C) To handle it by a fierce attack.

D) To bypass the legal process and take action according to one’s own whims.


Find Your Answers Here

Q1: (d), Q2: (c), Q3: (d), Q4: (b), Q5: (a), Q6: (b), Q7: (b)

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General English question and answer

1. Change the voice of following sentences:
Summon the fire brigade.
(a) Summon not the fire brigade.
(b) Why should the fire brigade be called?
(c) Let the fire brigade be summoned.
(d) Call not the fire brigade.
Right Answer : Let the fire brigade be summoned.
Explain : A.V .: V1 + Obj.-Order P.V .: Let + Obj. + bę + V3 or You are ordered to summon the fire brigade.

2. Use appropriate determiners:
Take ………. book you like.
(a) some
(b) any
(c) much
(d) many
Right Answer : any
Explain : a/ an के रूप में Singular Countable Noun के साथ any use किया जाता है।

3. Use appropriate determiners:
We waste time in playing we have.
(a) many
(b) much
(C) any
(d) the little
Right Answer : the little
Explain : सारा के sense में Singular Uncountable Noun के साथ any use किया जाता है।

4. Use appropriate prepositions:
Ravi is married ………. a cousin of mine,
(a) with
(b) alongwith
(c) off
(d) to
Right Answer : to
Explain : CC- Married + to + Female

5. Use appropriate prepositions:
The Secretary was asked to give the prizes.
(a) away
(b) over
(c) off
(d) up
Right Answer : away
Explain : Give away-विपरीत करना।



6. Pick out the correct form of the verb:
Either he or I ………… going to Jaipur.
(a) am
(b) are
(C) were
(d) is
Right Answer: am
Explain : either ….. or से दो sub. जोड़ने पर verb दूसरे sub. के अनुसार होता है।

7. Complete the sentence with appropriate form of the ad jective already used in the sentence. Both Hema and Seema are good at dancing, but the latter is ………
(a) The most good
(b) better
(c) The best
(d) None of these
Right Answer: better
Explain : दो में से एक Select करने पर Comparative Degree use होती है।

8. Complete the sentence with the appropriate for of adjective already used in the sentence. Sachin is ……….. popular cricketer in India.
(a) more and more
(b) more
(c) the most
(d) the more
Right Answer : the most
Explain : दो से अधिक में से एक को Select करने पर the + superlative degree use की जाती है।

9. Which one is the correct letter to fill in the blank in the sentence given below? His ship sankin ………. Red sea.
(a) an
(b) the
(c) all
(d) a
Right Answer : the
Explain : नदी, सागर, महासागर आदि के नाम के पहले the ‘ article use होता है।

10. Change the voice of following sentences:
The principal read the report.
(a) Principal is reading the report.
(b)The report was had been read by the Principal
(c) The report was read by the Principal.
(d) The principal will not read the report
Right Answer : The report was read by the Principal
Explain : AV.-Sub. + V2 + Obj. …. P.V.- Sub (obj.) + was + V3 + by Agent/ does

11. Use appropriate determiners:
I hardly saved money.
(a) some.
(b) any
(c) more
(d) much
Right Answer : any
Explain : यहाँ Hardly Sentence को Negative बनाता है, इसलिए any use होगा।

General English question and answer

12. Use appropriate determiners:
I can issue you a book because there are only books in the library.
(a) few
(b) a few
(c) the few
(d) many
Right Answer : few
Explain : न के बराबर के sense में Plural Countable Noun के साथ Few use होगा।

13. Use appropriate determiners:
he or she is a good player.
(a) either
(b) neither
(c) all
(d) none of the above
Right Answer : either
Explain : Or के साथ हमेशा either use होता है।

14. Use appropriate prepositions:
He flew kites ………. the rooftop.

(a) at
(b) with
(C) from
(d) in
Right Answer : from
Explain : Departure Place के लिए from use होता है।

15. Use appropriate prepositions:
I shall do it …… pleasure.
(a) for
(b) from
(c) at
(d) with
Right Answer : with
Explain : Manner दिखाने के लिए with use किया जाता है।

16. You improve your spellings.
(a) shall
(b) must
(c) would
(d) dare to
Right Answer : must
Explain : Compulsion दिखाने के लिए must use होता हैI

17. …….. you lend me your scooter, please?
(a) Would
(b) Should
(c) Might
(d) Shall
Right Answer : Would
Explain : Polite request दिखाने के लिए may use होता है।

18. Use appropriate article:
Lion is ………… dangerous animal.
(a) the
(b) some
(c) few
(d) a
Right Answer : a
Explain : यदि Singular Countable Noun के पहले कोई Adjective use हो रहा हो तथा उसका उच्चारण करने पर पहला अक्षर हिन्दी में व्यंजन की ध्वनि आती हो, तो ‘ a’ article use होता है।

19. Use appropriate article:
Vasco Di Gama was …………. first European sailor to come to India.
(a) only
(b) the
(c) a
(d) very
Right Answer : the
Explain : Superlative Degree के पहले ‘ the article use होता है।

20. Change the voice of following sentences:
The people will elect him President:
(a) The People will not elect him President.
(b) He will be elected President by the People.
(c) Will he be elected President?
(d) The people may not elect him
Right Answer : He will be elected President by the People.
Explain : Cm- A.V .: Sub. + Model + V + Obj. P.V .: Sub. (Obj.) + Model + be + V3 + by + Agent

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