History Notes in Hindi PDF for SSC Download

History Notes in Hindi PDF For SSC Download

Hello friends,

History is an important subject in SSC exams as it covers significant events, personalities, and developments from ancient to modern times. Here are some reasons why history notes are important for SSC exams:

Helps in understanding the past: History provides insights into how the past shaped the present and the future. It helps to understand the reasons behind significant events and their consequences.

Enhances general knowledge: History notes cover a wide range of topics, such as ancient civilizations, medieval empires, and modern democracies. Studying history notes can increase general knowledge and help students develop a broader perspective on the world.

Improves analytical skills: History notes require critical thinking and analysis of information, which helps to improve analytical skills. It trains students to examine different sources of information and interpret them objectively.

Boosts exam performance: History notes can help students prepare for the exam by providing important information about the topics and concepts that are likely to be covered in the exam. By studying history notes, students can increase their chances of scoring better marks.

Helps in career choices: Studying history notes can also help students explore career options in fields such as archaeology, history, journalism, law, and international relations.

In conclusion, history notes are an essential resource for SSC exam preparation, and students should invest time and effort in studying them thoroughly.

Topics Included in the PDF

     प्राचीन इतिहास (ANCIENT HISTORY)

  • हीनयान और महायान के सम्बन्ध में रोचक जानकारी
  • महात्मा बुद्ध के समकालीन लोग – Buddha’s Contemporaries
  • सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता में व्यापार और उद्योग
  • सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता में कृषि – Agriculture in Indus Valley Civilization
  • सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता स्थलों से प्राप्त अवशेष
  • हड़प्पा समाज, राजनैतिक संगठन, प्रशासन एवं धर्म
  • सिन्धु घाटी सभ्यता में नगर-योजना – Town Planning in Hindi
  • प्रमुख बौद्ध स्थल – Buddhist Places in India
  • मौर्य साम्राज्य का पतन – Decline of the Maurya Dynasty

     मध्यकालीन इतिहास (MEDIEVAL HISTORY)

  • अकबर की Rajput Policy और उसकी समीक्षा
  • मुगल साम्राज्य के पतन के कारण – Causes of the Decline of Mughal Empire
  • शेरशाह का प्रारम्भिक जीवन – Early life of Shershah
  • हुमायूँ का प्रारंभिक जीवन और राज्यारोहण
  • भारत में मुगल सत्ता की स्थापना
  • बाबर के आक्रमण के पूर्व का भारत – India Before Babar’s Invasion
  • शाहजहाँ का शासनकाल : मुग़ल साम्राज्य का स्वर्णयुग?
  • मनसबदारी व्यवस्था क्या थी? Mansabdari System in Hindi
  • शिवाजी की जीवनी – Biography of Shivaji Maharaj
  • सूफी मत – सूफी विचारधारा (Sufism in Hindi)
  • बक्सर का युद्ध – Battle of Buxar 1764 in Hindi

    आधुनिक इतिहास (MODERN HISTORY)

  • डॉ. अम्बेडकर की जीवनी, विचार और रचनाएँ
  • वीर सावरकर से सम्बंधित मुख्य तथ्य
  • कैबिनेट मिशन योजना – 16 May, 1946
  • Wavell योजना और शिमला Conference in Hindi
  • भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन – Quit India Movement in Hindi
  • क्रिप्स योजना
  • द्वैध शासन से आप क्या समझते हैं? Diarchy in Hindi
  • सविनय अवज्ञा आन्दोलन – Salt or Dandi March, Gandhi-Irwin Pact in Hindi
  • जिन्ना की चौदह मांगें (Fourteen points of Jinnah)
  • नेहरु रिपोर्ट से जुड़े तथ्य और जानकारियाँ – Nehru Report 1928 in Hindi

 Topic Related Posts

Indian Ancient History Questions

1) What was the capital of Aang Mahajanpada?
A. Champa
B. Vaishali
C. Pushkalavati
D. Koushambi

   Ans .  A


2) Who was the founder of Haryark Dynasty?
A. Shishupal
B. Bimbsar
C. Ajatashatru

D. Udiyan

 Ans .  B


3) Who was the first foreigner who invaded India/
A. Derious
B. Sikandar
C. Selyucus
D. Philip

    Ans .  A


4) What was the name of Goutam Buddha’s mother?
A. Goutami
B. Mahamaya
C. Yashodhara
D. Chelna

   Ans .  B


5) Who fought the war of Jhelum?
A. Ameer and Sinndar
B. Porash and Sikandar
C. Yodhey and Sikandar
D. Ghananand and Sikandar

   Ans .  B


6) Gautam Buddh’s leaving home is known as
A. Mahabhinishkraman
B. Dharmabhishek
C. Dharmchakra paravartan
D. Mahaparinirvana

   Ans .  A


7) What was the symbol of first Teerthankar Rishabhdeva ?
  A. Elephant
B. Bull
C. Lion
D. Blue lotus

   Ans .  B


8) Where did Mahaveer Swami attain knowledge?
A. Koushambi
B. Nalanda
C. Jumbhikagram
D. Anantpuri

   Ans .  C


9) Who established Pattilputra ?
A. Bimbsar
B. Udiyan
C. Shishunag
D. Chandragupta

   Ans .  B


10) Which Mourya Ruler is also known as “Amitraghat”?
A. Chandragupta
B. Bindusar
C. Ashok
D. Dashrath

   Ans .  B


Indian History Questions

11) Proto Shiva seal is found from which site of Indus Valley civilization?

A.   Mohanjodaro

B.   Lothal

C.   Kalibanga

D.   Banwali

   Ans .  A



12) “Double burials” is found from which site of Indus Valley civilization?

A.   Banwali

B.   Dholaveer

C.   Surkotda

D.   Lothal

    Ans .  D


13) Which is the largest Indian site of Indus civilization?

A.   Ropar

B.   Lothal

C.   Kalibanga

D.   Dholaveer

    Ans .  D


14) In Indian Valley civilization Copper was supplied from which of these places?

A.   Khetdi

B.   Kolar

C.   Kirthar

D.   Afghanistan

   Ans .  A


15) Kalibanga is situated in which of these states ?

A.   Haryana

B.   Gujarat

C.   Rajasthan

D.   Punjab

   Ans .  A


16) Seven fire altars are found from which of these site?

A.   Kalibanga

B.   Rangpur

C.   Mohanjodaro

D.   Amari

   Ans .  A


17) How many Hymes are there in Rigveda?

A.   1014

B.   1016

C.   1028

D.   1046

   Ans .  C


18) Gopath brahman is associated with which of these Vedas ?

A.   Rigveda

B.   Samveda

C.   Yajurveda

D.   Atherva Veda

    Ans .  D

19) Who wrote Ashtadhyayi ?

A.   Parni

B.   Yask

C.   Patanjali

D.   Bhas

    Ans .  A


20) Who propounded Vaishesik’s Philosophy?

A.   Kapil

B.   Jaimini

C.   Uluk Kanad

D.   Badrayan

   Ans .  C


History Questions with Answers

21) “Chand Pradhyot” was the ruler of which Mahajanpada?
A. Avanti
B. Vatsa
C. Matsya
D. Ashmaka

Ans .  A


22) Who wrote “Arthshastara?
A. Chanakya
B. Kalidas
C. Kumargupta
D. Kalhan

Ans .  A


23) Chandragupta’s migration to South with Bhadra Bhahu is mentioned in which of these scriptures?
A. Kalpasutra
B. Mudrarakshas
C. Parishist Parvn
D. Bhadrabhahu charitra

Ans .  A

24) Who has written Mudrarakshas?
A. Visharavdatta
B. Matta Mayur
C. Nagarjun
D. Bhavbhuti

Ans .  A


25) Who wrote Mrachakatikam?
A. Vishakhadatta
B. Shudrak
C. Banbhatt
D. Bhas

Ans .  B


26) In which Rock edicts the information of Ashok’s visit to Bouddhgaya is found?
A. Rock edicts – 1
B. Rock edicts 2
C. Rock edicts 8
D. Rock edicts13

 Ans .  C


27) How many parts of state has been described by Chanakya in ‘Arthashastra’?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

  Ans .  D

28) Which new post was created by Ashoka?
A. Sannidhata
B. Samahartta
C. Pradeshta
D. Dhammahamatra

  Ans .  D

29) Who was the wife of Ashoka ?
A. Tishyrakshita
B. Devi
C. Karuvaki
D. All of these

  Ans .  D


30) Deepvansh Mahavansh Text is associated with which country?
A. Srilanka
B. Verma
C. Thailand
D. Kambodiya

  Ans .  A

Indian Ancient History Questions

31) Who was victorious in ‘Dasrajan’ war?
A. Sudas
B. Bhalnas
C. Shivi
D. Turvas

   Ans .  A

32) What was the name of river Chinab known during vedic period?
A. Visttata
B. Askani
C. Vipasha
D. Purushni

  Ans .  A

33) Which brahman text describes the Rituals of ploughing
A. Satpath
B. Aitray
C. Gopath
D. Koshambi

   Ans .  A

34) “Satyamev Jayte” is taken from which of these text ?
A. Kathopnishad
B. Mundkopnishad
C. Swetasvataronishada
D. Sounak

   Ans .  B

35) First mention of four Ashrams is found
A. Jabalopnishada
B. Brihadaranyak upanishada
C. Prashnopnishada
D. Kenoupnishad

  Ans .  A

36) Which is the Oldest Religious scripture?
A. Bhagvat Puran
B. Vayu Puran
C. Matsya puran
D. Harivansh puran

  Ans .  A

37) What do you mean by ‘Bhag and Bali’
A. Worship of god
B. Havi
C. Sacrifices in Yagya
D. Tax

   Ans .  D

38) Which principle Mahaveer swami added into the four principles of Parshvanath ?
A. Ahinsha
B. Aprigrah
C. Asteya
D. Brahmacharya

Ans .  D


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